Posted on July 28, 2018 by Laura Andel

A week at the Decolonial Aesthesis Creative Lab

A week at the 2018 Decolonial Aesthesis Creative Lab in South Africa organized by the amazing Dr. Sharlene F. Khan has proven to be an immersive learning experience. Meeting every day from 9 in the morning until sometimes 10 at night, we had a chance to discuss the importance of a decolonizing aesthetic in the art praxis.

I was invited as an art practitioner to share and discuss the work I do and facilitate a number of workshops for all participants involved. The approach of the Lab was multidisciplinary and had facilitators from the visual arts, filmmaking, writing, and music fields.

Photo: DA Lab Facilitators from left to right Vibha Galhotra, Laura Andel, Jon Alpert, Bhekizizwe Peterson, Fouad Asfour


Photo by Hugh Mdlalose: 2018 DA Lab Participants


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